Case Study

Launching a new direct-to-consumer streaming service for YES Network

The Problem

The Yankees Entertainment Network wanted to expand their streaming services and offer a direct-to-consumer subscription to go alongside their current TVE offering – giving Yankee Fans in region the ability to watch their favorite team without a cable subscription.

Our Solution

YES Network worked with Pickaxe to launch YES’ direct-to-consumer offering. With extensive experience in launching streaming services and developing industry leading data and martech solutions, Pickaxe was selected as the perfect partner to support the development of the new direct subscription service.

Pickaxe supported YES in a number of ways, from go-to-market strategy, brand and social tactics, CRM migration, and CX platform development and vendor selection, and full implementation support including data pipelines and data warehouse.

The Pickaxe team was also responsible for re-instrumentation of front-end data analytics, implementation of Segment as CDP, implementation of Snowflake for data warehouse, and various data science services, such as user clustering analysis, churn propensity, and more.

What We Did

The Results

Not only has YES grown substantially with their direct-to-consumer offer, but the re-designed data and martech stack enabled YES to introduce a number of new services to expand and improve the experience for fans, including many new ways to engage, interact, and earn rewards.

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